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horse tips

 If your horse has had an injury, and the hair is taking a while to regrow, rub
a little Vaseline into the skin.
You can make your own hoof oil by mixing some Stockholm tar with some
cheap vegetable cooking oil.
Make sure you clean your grooming kit at the same time you wash your horse
that way you won't transfer dirt straight back onto your nice clean horse.
Doubled up pieces of baler twine are better than sweat-scrapers because you
can use them in lots of awkward places, like down the legs.
If your horse has a tail which is very thin and wispy, plait the end of it, after
it has been washed, and leave the plait in for a few hours. When you
take it out, the tail should be slightly wavy, and appear a lot thicker.
Brushing a tail can easily break the hairs, so try to tease the tangles
out with your fingers if you can.
If your horse's mane sticks up, or is on the wrong side, try
dampening it down with some hair gel.
Store a small sponge saturated in saddle soap in a plastic container and after riding,
simply wipe down your saddle, bridle and girth so thet are clean for the next time you ride.
Place your horse's water or feed bucket in the center of a tire to keep him
from kicking it over.
Clean out clipper blades with your old toothbrush.
When your horse won't gain weight or you have a hard keeper adding a 1/4 to 1 cup
of vegetable oil to their grain, building it up a tablespoon a day. In 3 to 6 weeks you
will see a huge improvement in their coat and weight.
Try this homemade fly spray, 3 oz. Avon's Skin-So-Soft, 3 oz. citronella oil,
12 oz. white vinegar, and 12 oz. water. Mix well, put in a spray bottle  and
you are all ready to spray.
Nail empty saddle soap tins up on the wall to hang halters and bridles on.
Use a chamois to rub down your horse after a bath.
If feeding a pill mash it into applesauce or molasses for easy feeding.(Thank you Jill)
one tip is, spray your horses mane and tail on upper and bottom part with hair spray. Then take your fingers and fluff it up to make it look fluffy, windblown {which is very cute} or make it look like it has body.
The above was sent in
To keep horses socks clean, use cornstarch or bluing agent

When giving your horse a soap bath, rinsing with white vinegar will help to remove the soap. This also acts as a hair conditioner and fly repellant.

To remove horses' chestnuts: To soften the growths, smear petroleum jelly over them daily for 4 to 5 days after which they peel right off

If your horse gets sores from the girth chafing in the wrinkly armpit area, use a spray deodorant with a high talc content. You can also carry it in your saddle bags to reapply when its been "worked off." You shouldnt get any more girth sores!

When at shows and you need to spiff up the silver..... use the eraser off of a pencil and buff out with a clean cloth! It will give the silver the
last minute sparkle that you need!

Keep a gallon of liquid Clorox at your barn for cleaning things like water buckets, dog water bowls and girths. The Clorox will help keep fungus from growing on your girths and easily remove algae from water buckets as well as harmful bacteria

For a homemade fly spray, use 1 cup white distilled vinegar, 1 cup water, 1/3 cup Dawn dishwashing liquid

Put feeder goldfish in pasture water tanks - they will feed off the mosquito larvae that mosquitoes deposit in the water

Flies feed 1-4 feet off the ground so when setting out bait or traps make sure that you set them no higher than 4 feet

Green plastic pot scrubber pads from the supermarket are great for removing dried mud from your horse. Their flexibility and size make them easier to use on the horse's legs than a curry comb

If your saddle is squeaking, try sprinkling baby powder between all the flaps

For poison oak/ivy/sumac - mix equal parts of buttermilk, salt, and vinegar into a paste, then liberally coat on the affected skin. The salt actually provides a delightful abrasive that scratches the itch while the buttermilk seems to neutralize the poison oils that cause the itch

If you are a member of the AQHA, you are entitled to $10 worth of FREE Internet records every month. Sign up for your password and visit the membership section

To reduce breakage of your horse's braided tail, start braiding it at the top, using a French braid; then use a long cover such as support stockings (hose)

During the week keep a hair conditioner on your horse's tail to keep it from becoming dry and brittle

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